Signal/One Milspec 1030C
S/N 1131165
This is a late model MS1030.
It is a non-IC781 conversion but is clearly label 1030C.
I got this radio June 21, 2006. I knew it had some minor damage
and there was a problem with the digital frequency synthesizer.
I also found the transmitter inoperative when I started working on it.
Visual inspection revealed oxidation on the chrome knob inserts, chrome jacks,
and some inside as well. In addition there was
oxidation on many IC pins. Most likely this radio was at a Marine Base
near an ocean and the atmosphere caused these problems. The synthesizer is
nearly complete and the transmitter is making a small amount of power.
Still working on that issue.
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June 21, 2006. Last
March 13, 2019
Copyright 2019, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA